
  • Osteopathic treatment.

    Osteopaths use a variety of techniques such as articulation, strain-counterstrain (indirect myofascial release), joint manipulation, functional technique (indirect joint release), muscle energy technique (MET), soft tissue massage, stretching and strengthening techniques to address and treat your presenting complaint. Your osteopathic treatment may include any of the below treatment modalities depending on your specific circumstances.

  • Dry needling.

    Trigger-point dry needling is a treatment technique where a fine, single-use needle is inserted into a muscle to release myofascial trigger points and tight muscles. Dry needling is used in conjunction with other osteopathic techniques to reduce muscle pain and spasm, increase range of motion of the surrounding joints, and provide an overall increase in function of the body.

  • Myofascial cupping.

    Myofascial cupping is a therapy whereby suction cups are placed onto the skin to target the underlying fascia, muscles, blood and other fluids. This addresses muscle tension, and promotes circulation, aiding in the healing process. Cups may be statically placed onto specific trigger-points, moved across the skin in a gliding motion or utilised dynamically in conjunction with articulatory movement.

  • Craniosacral therapy.

    Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a gentle hands-on technique that uses light touch to examine membranes and movement of the fluids in and around the central nervous system and attempts to bring harmony to the cranial rhythmic impulse. This technique calms the sympathetic (fright/flight/freeze) nervous system and corresponds with the traditional Chinese medicine philosophy of aligning chakras, within a science backed framework.

  • Lymphatic drainage.

    Lymphatic drainage helps remove waste materials from compromised areas to restore healthy metabolic and immune function. This improves the environment of the dysfunctional area to expedite the healing process.

    To adequately treat the lymphatic system, structures that impede lymphatic flow must first be addressed prior to utilising conventional soft tissue and articulation based lymphatic techniques. This ensures the lymphatic fluid has "somewhere to go". (This critical step is often overlooked by other lymphatic drainage therapy models)

  • Visceral manipulation.

    Visceral manipulation is a hands-on technique that is used to encourage the normal mobility, tone and motion of the viscera (internal organs) and their connective tissues. These gentle manipulations can potentially improve the functioning of individual organs, the systems the organs function within, and the structural integrity of the entire body.

    See our FAQ for a list of conditions that may benefit from visceral manipulation.

  • Kinesiology taping.

    Sports taping is a thin, stretchy tape that is strategically applied to the skin which provides functional support while still allowing full range of movement. Taping is commonly used in conjunction with other treatments and techniques to manage injuries, support weak areas, re-educate muscles, enhance performance, manage scars and may assist with decreasing pain, swelling and bruising.

  • Exercise prescription.

    Dysfunctional and compensatory movement patterns are often the catalyst of pain. Addressing muscle inactivation or weakness is a fundamental component of treating the root cause of symptoms.

    Targeted activation, strengthening and stretching exercises may be prescribed during your treatment so that you can continue progressing in between appointments. These exercises may be adjusted as your condition improves or evolves.

  • Shockwave therapy.

    Shockwave therapy involves applying acoustic waves to targeted areas, promoting healing and tissue regeneration. By enhancing blood flow and promoting cellular activity, it aids in reducing pain and inflammation. This non-invasive treatment is beneficial for various musculoskeletal conditions, and is used in conjunction with our range of other treatment options to enhance overall healing and recovery.
