Privacy Policy
Your Personal Health Information and your Medical Record may be collected, used and disclosed for the following reasons:
For communicating relevant information with other treating osteopaths, doctors, specialists or allied health professionals
For appointment reminder/recall notices
Accounting/Medicare/Health Insurance procedures
For disease notification as required by law (eg infectious diseases)
For use by all osteopaths in this group practice when consulting with you
For legal related disclosure as required by a court of law (eg. subpoena, court order, suspected child abuse)
For research purposes (de-identified, meaning you are not able to be identified from the information given)
If you have any concerns or would like to restrict access to your personal health information please discuss this with your osteopath. If you are dissatisfied you can contact the Australian Privacy Commissioner: Australian Privacy Commissioner GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 1042 Privacy Hotline: 1300 363 992 Website: